



4430 McCulloch Street Duluth, MN 55804


Learning Circle

The Gift of Years…Growing Older Gracefully by Joan Chittister will be a wonderful study to join this May. After all, aging is a gift! Chittister is a Benedictine sister and argues that life is a mural of multiple pieces, every part serving its own purpose. And every part allows us to adapt, to change, and to cope. The short 41 chapters will be discussed in April and May and then pick up again in October and November. Some of the universal themes of aging presented are fulfillment, nostalgia, hope, forgiveness, adjustment, joy, and more.

Join us on May 5 and 12 in the lounge from 8:45 until 10:00am. Young adults to more seasoned adults are all welcome to study how to keep living your best spiritual life. Books are available at no cost, so please let Paige M. or Sandy U. know if you would like to have one ordered for you.